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About Practice Growth Academy

What We Do

Our Aim is to Empower DOCTORS with the Knowledge, Skills, Systems, Tools to Build their Practice in order to Achieve Growth and Transform into DOCTORPRENEURS!

Practice Growth Academy, Grow Your Clinic, Grow Your Hospital

Our Journey

After working with over 1000+ doctors there was pattern of problem that was stopping most of the doctors from growing and most of them are not aware they have growth issue. They think with time they will grow for efforts and resources that are invested. 



Unfortunately most of them are stagnated. Most of them are inconsistent in revenue generation,  inconsistent in their growth with no time and financial freedom.



No Medical schools teach Entrepreneurship or how to grow your practice. 


The day a doctor steps into practice he / she becomes an Entrepreneur and thus starts a challenging ride for them. Right from setup of their clinic or hospital they have to face a lot of challenges right from simple regulatory clearances to manpower issues, to marketing to branding or financing and a lot more challenges 



We realised that if the Hospital / Clinic has to grow, empowering doctors to be entrepreneurs with the right skills, strategy, systems, processes and tools to build their own clinics or hospitals in achieving sustainable growth is the way forward to bridge the gap. 


With this idea Practice Growth Academy was born 

Our Vision

Help Doctors and Hospitals Achieve Sustainable and Scaleable Growth, Focussing on Patient Centric Approach; Enabling Access To Quality Healthcare Delivery To All


Bridge The Broken Link between Patients and Doctors By Building Trust and Transparency

Our Mission

To Help 100,000 Doctors and Hospitals Build  Their Practice In Achieving Sustainable and Scaleable Growth By Establishing Systems & Process, Creating Winning Environment For Every Stakeholders of the Organisation for Providing Quality Healthcare



Empower Doctors With Skills, Strategies and Tools To Achieve GROWTH, Time and Financial FREEDOM


Transform Doctors To Doctorpreneurs

Our Principles

1. Growth Oriented

2. Create Impact

3. Clarity

4. Contribution

5. Community